Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Fifty Facts about Me.

It felt like time to share some things about myself. I have done some surveys (reminiscent of MySpace) in the past, but I thought it would be fun to add fifty things about me that give insight into me.

  1. I have always been surrounded by the number 8.
  2. I am 5'8".
  3. I wear shoe size 8.
  4. My birthday is June 8th, 1988.
  5. My younger brother is the COOLEST person I know.
  6. He's writing a novel.
  7. He inspired me to write a novel as well.
  8. Him and I look VERY similar. You would never knew we were five years apart.
  9. I have naturally curly hair. I hated it the first 20 years of my life, and now I love it.
  10. I don't take it too seriously though. I have had my hair every length, and every color, including purple, which was my favorite!
  11. I spent the first half of my life believing that my eyes were hazel. Then I really looked at myself and realized they are as green as green eyes can be.
  12. The Raw Food Diet sounds amazing to me because I love fruit. I eat a lot of it.
  13. I also love Doritos, macaroni and cheese, ice cream, doughnuts, and cereal. All of which would make the Raw Food Diet impossible.
  14. Milk is at the top of my list as favorite drinks.
  15. I am very much an old woman at heart. Bed at 9 pm, up at 5 am, watching TV and reading, and being content with the small group of family and close friends.
  16. Grocery shopping gives me a thrill.
  17. All shopping does, actually.
  18. I have been with my boyfriend for just over a year ( He asked me to be his girlfriend on July 22, 2013), and I knew from the moment I saw him, two and a half months before he asked me to be hid girlfriend, that he was the one.
  19. I have always had a thing for tall men. My boyfriend is 6'5".
  20. I have done a bit of travelling, and would love to do it more and more as I grow older.
  21. I lived in Hollywood, California for a brief time.
  22. I studied abroad in Ireland.
  23. I believe, strongly, in God and Heaven but don't practice any specific religion.
  24. I out a lot of emphasis on The Universe. It is the thing that drives everything in our lives. God, serendipity, karma, fate, etc.
  25. I have a Bachelor's Degree in Behavioral Science.
  26. I am a licensed Esthitician. This allows me to practice waxing, skin treatments, and make-up.
  27. Every four years in school, I would hop back and forth between Public and Private school. 
  28. I went to an all girls, private high school.
  29. I speak to the friends I met on the first day of high school, every single day.
  30. One of my closest friends, I met when we were two years old.
  31. My best friend, I became friend with when we were in second grade.
  32. I have always chosen quality over quantity when it comes to my friends.
  33. I hate using the calendar on my phone. I prefer a tangible planner.
  34. Dresses are my favorite thing to wear, but I am very picky when purchasing them.
  35. I am a Type 1 Diabetic. This means I produce NO insulin and have to inject it into myself every time I eat.
  36. I was fortunate enough to get to spend lots of time with my dad since he too early retirement because of an injury. He is the smartest man I know and still my number 1 call whenever I have any problems.
  37. I have the OVERWHELMING sense that I need to live in North Carolina at some point.
  38. I want to own a dog so much, but am worried that I wouldn't be a good enough mother.
  39. I have a very close family unit. My parents, my brother and I could spend weeks together and, fight yes, but still enjoy ourselves thoroughly. 
  40. The beach is my favorite place to be. But the Oregon Coast is the top of the list.
  41. I am a huge softy.
  42. My closet, drawers, shows, and jewelry are all coordinated by color, type, sleeve length.
  43. I absolutely LOVE going to the movies.
  44. I will not see a scary movie unless I am thoroughly bribed by money and gummi butterflies.
  45. Binge watching a show is an understatement for me.
  46. Veronica Mars remains my favorite series.
  47. I love to read. Once I pick a book up, it is struggle to put it down and to think about anything else.
  48. The library is the best place on Earth. I don't own any kind of digital reader, so real books are like gold to me.
  49. I tend to get stuck on a song and replay it a million times until I am stuck on another song.
  50. I have had the same top three movies since I was 15.
    1. The Little Mermaid
    2. Walk to Remember
    3. Breakfast Club
I thought that would be harder than it was. In the middle I was thinking I wouldn't find anything else. But I got to number 50 and realized I could do a few more. 

However, I will save them until next time.